How to have “The Talk”

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I just shared a heart-breaking video of my wife and I explaining to my oldest sons the sad truth about being black. I wish I didn't. I'm glad that I had the opportunity to talk to them but I wish I did not share it. Not because of the response, most people were saddened by the conversation but almost everyone deemed it "necessary for survival." The thing that made me wish I never shared it was how my oldest has been distant from me since our talk. I think we've reached a point in this channel where I have to hold back on what I share because of his comfort. Attached to this blog is a guide to help you have this conversation with your child. My only advice to you would be not to record it.


We are not experts. 

We are just concerned parents trying to equip our children with the right tools to win. I think we did as good as we could under the circumstances. In hindsight, I wish we would have you used the pronoun "we" instead of "you." Seda left me an awesome comment about making sure the kids understand that this a community issue. Also, if you are a few years out from this conversation then I think you would be smart to read up on these concepts we have some books on the way to better equip ourselves.

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One last thing.

If you think it’s too early to have this conversation, you’re right! However, if you don’t... you run the risk of someone else telling them what to believe about other races, or worse themselves.


Let Us Do It Dad’s Way